Onsite Excel training at your offices in Lancashire from £50 per person
There is always something new to learn in Microsoft Excel, whether you are converting to the latest version or need to upgrade your skills. Whilst self-teaching suits some people, there is an old adage that says “you don’t know what you don’t know”. This is where a structured, tutor-led course is invaluable. You learn exactly what Excel can do and in the process discover different ways in which it can benefit your business.
We provide Microsoft Excel training at 3 levels: Foundation, Intermediate & Advanced. You can see an overview of each level on our Microsoft Excel Training Courses page. To help you decide on the correct level of training we can provide you with our Training Needs Analysis form. This is a simple tick-box form which enables us to analyse your current skill level and propose the most appropriate course for your needs. Please email info@microsofttrainingcourses.org for more information about Microsoft Excel training courses in Lancashire, or call free on 0800 2922842.